We made the custom Gumstix Raspberry Pi Zero Battery IMU board so you can take your RPi Zero anywhere. The new Gumstix Battery IMU board is designed in Geppetto and can be modified to support a variety of COM or processors including the Pi Zero W for wireless video streaming.
Embedded systems for edge computing, autonomous systems, and other highly mobile systems need embedded navigation capabilities, but adding a GPS module to your next embedded system can be difficult. You’ll need to consider precise layout for GPS receivers in order to prevent signal degradation.
The term “designer” covers a varied spectrum of disciplines and expertise. Some designers are architecting the next generation of multi-core processors.
“A recent survey of our element14 and Hackster communities found that 61 percent of creators believe IoT and sensors are the most critical technologies for products they’re designing today. Respondents also said sensors are the single most underrated technology driving the innovation train.
Today, we are releasing two new sensor boards designed in Geppetto. ESP8266 UV Sensor Board The UV Sensor board uses Espressif ESP-WROOM-02U as its processor.