Kenny Akers is a rising senior student at Woodside Priory High School in Portola Valley California and 3-year veteran of the FIRST Robotics Competition — An international contest of wits to see which team of High School students can custom-build a robot to complete a complex task. When Gumstix released the Aerocore 2 for NVIDIA […].
Launch Date: May 5, 2018 (with Insight) Location: Vandenberg Air Force Base, California Launch Vehicle: Atlas V launch vehicle Project Manager: Joel Krajewski Chief Engineer: Andy Klesh Gumstix Caspa VL camera onboard to snap history NASA set a new distance record for CubeSats this May when a pair of CubeSats called Mars Cube One (MarCO) […].
Yale undergraduates bring computer architecture and design into the high school classroom with a unique approach to STEM. Today, kids can usually pick up any device and start using it right away.
Gumstix: The Brains Behind Khepera IV Swarms Khepera IV Open Source real-life robot swarms have been benchmarked and analyzed by Jorge M. Soares , Iñaki Navarro and Alcherio Martinoli from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland and the Laboratory of Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.
Gumstix has a new webpage dedicated to academic research projects and patents! We want researchers and innovators to know what Gumstix can do for them, especially when it comes to constructing the medical, scientific and industrial devices populating the “Internet of Things”. Aside from learning about how Gumstix expansion boards, single board computers and […].