Welcome to our product videos page featuring product applications, overviews and demonstration on how to utilize the hardware we have designed and sell.
For videos overviewing Geppetto®, our design-to-order platform, check out Geppetto Demo Videos.
Featured Video: AeroCore2 for NVIDIA Jetson
Watch the AeroCore 2 for NVIDIA Jetson in a MAV doing object recognition real-time!
Gumstix Products in Action!
AeroCore for NVIDIA Jetson
Watch the AeroCore 2 for NVIDIA Jetson riding an iRobot Create 2. The board runs TensorFlow as it do object detection and recognition.
AeroCore for DuoVero
The AeroCore from Gumstix offers everyone from enthusiasts to educators the opportunity to power their very own micro-aerial vehicle.
AeroCore for Dragonboard 410C
A new and improved AeroCore 2 MAV control board for the 96Boards specification. Take to the skies with the most technologically advanced AeroCore expansion board to date.
GadgetDrone Flight Test
A test run of the GadgetDrone, which captures video in real time as it flies.
General Videos
Founding of the company
Gumstix Founder and CEO Gordon Kruberg discusses Gumstix and his vision.
Software and Development
Get started with Gumstix and Yocto Project software development.
Arbor Family
Arbor Family Overview
Designed and built with Geppetto D2O, the Gumstix Arbor family of expansion boards for Overo COMs now support Newhaven capacitive multi-touch LCD touchscreens in three sizes: 4.3", 5.0", and 7.0".
Waysmall Silverlode
Silverlode Computer Overview
Adam Lee shows off the key features of the Waysmall Silverlode Computer: a Tobi expansion board and EarthStorm COM packaged in a durable aluminum case for commercial and industrial computing applications.
Gumstix TurtleCore
TurtleCore Expansion Board Overview
Tyler Jones discusses the features of the TurtleCore expansion board for Overo & iRobot Create, and shows us a quick demo.
Overo COM Overview
A quick review of the Overo computer-on-module series: Fire, Water, Air and Earth.
Overo Expansion Board Overview
Gordon outlines six expansion boards for the Overo series.
Tobi Expansion Board
Tobi Expansion Board Overview
Gordon Kruberg discusses Gumstix Tobi expansion board with 10/100 Ethernet, DVI/HDMI, USB Host, USB OTG, Stereo Audio and more.
Connecting a Tobi Board
Gordon Kruberg shows how to connect an Overo COM & a video monitor to the Tobi expansion board.
Palo43 Expansion Board
Palo43 Expansion Board Overview
Gordon Kruberg discusses connectors, jacks, through-holes and buttons on Palo43 expansion board.
Connecting a Palo43 Board
Connecting an LCD screen and Overo COM to a Palo43 expansion board of the Overo series. Includes touchscreen calbration and Palmtop image.
Chestnut43 Expansion Board
Chestnut43 Expansion Board Overview
Gordon Kruberg discusses connectors, jack, buttons and through-holes on Chestnut43 expansion board - ideal for network attached display devices.
Connecting a Chestnut43 Board
Learn how to connect an Overo COM, Ethernet cable and 4.3" LCD panel to a Gumstix Chestnut43 expansion board.
Summit Expansion Board
Summit Expansion Board Overview
The components on a Summit expansion board.
Connecting a Summit Board
Gordon Kruberg discusses connecting and booting an Overo and Summit board with Angstrom.
Thumbo and Pinto
Thumbo and Pinto Expansion Board Overview
Gordon discusses the Pinto and USB-powered Thumbo boards to be announced in December 2009 for Gumstix Overo series.