DYI Backyard Maple Syrup

June 4, 2020 | Sergey Olkhovsky

During the COVID-19 outbreak, my family and I decided to participate in one of the truest Canadian pastimes (at least in this side of the country): maple syrup production. In previous years, we joined in with my siblings at our family farm north of Kingston, ON and made about 75L of maple syrup (from about […].

Geppetto board out in the ocean

December 14, 2018 | Sergey Olkhovsky

Last January, we worked with Toby Schneider on a Geppetto board. Today, he sent us an update that the board is successfully running off shore of California, allowing a novel progressive imagery transmission of ocean microorganisms back to a shore-based operator.

AeroCore 2 for NVIDIA Jetson in action!

September 14, 2018 | Sergey Olkhovsky

On a beautiful summer day in Canada (where our Research Center is located), our engineer, Andrew Smith, decided to demo the AeroCore 2 for NVIDIA Jetson in the field. This board has our Caspa HD Camera and is running Tensor Flow for object detection and recognition.